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Virtual reality-based rehab system could one day help people with Parkinson’s

A trip to the physical therapist could soon feel a bit more like a trip to the arcade, thanks to a new multidisciplinary study being conducted at USC. James Finley and Beth Fisher of the USC Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy and Marientina Gotsis of the USC School of Cinematic Arts have received a two-year grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop and test a virtual reality-based program… Read More »Virtual reality-based rehab system could one day help people with Parkinson’s

Fall 2016 IML 543 Course

 This theme will be first explored by reviewing research and interventions of different formats, experiences, and devices for virtual reality (VR) (Google Cardboard, GearVR, Oculus, HTV Vive, etc.). We will try embodied experiences for laying down, sitting, standing, and walking in order to gain insight toward solutions that can be developed for two separate areas: a) Parkinson’s Disease (adults); b) Pain Management (children and adults).

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New Degree Programs (MA & MFA)

We are pleased to announce the launch of two new degree programs: Master of Arts in Cinematic Arts (MA) with an emphasis in Media Arts, Games and Health Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Interactive Media with an emphasis in Games and Health