CM&BHC initiatives represent the broadest descriptions of how our mission is manifested. Projects are prioritized based on a combination of factors, including potential impact and benefit to society, and overall alignment with current Center priorities.
- Sports and Exercise for Wellness: investigation of novel assessment and treatment techniques using entertainment and technology for improvement of health outcomes related to obesity, nutrition, and physical activity
- Healthy Brain Architecture: production and dissemination of innovative storytelling products toward promotion of healthy behavior for brain development and affect regulation during the entire human lifespan
- Social & Sensorimotor Play: investigation of novel assessment and treatment techniques using interactive play for improving social skills, visuospatial navigation and motor coordination in physical space
- Games for Health: promotion, development and assessment of innovative games with behavioral health applications
- Storytelling for Mobile Health (mHealth): mobile interactive entertainment with general health and wellness applications, or a specific chronic illness focus
- The Future of Healthcare: re-imagining the patient/user/player experience within and beyond healthcare settings