We are pleased to announce that CM&BHC faculty, students and alumni have been very productive and recognized for their efforts through the following activities:
For SIGGRAPH 2013, CM&BHC is showcasing Skyfarer: A Mixed Reality Shoulder Exercise Game (with bonus Studio Talk [1]) at Emerging Technologies. Erin Reynolds ’13 is presenting a poster for NeverMind and is an ACM Student Research Semi-Finalist. Xuan Li ’13 gave an interview with GameScenes.org on his MFA thesis project, Blowing Blues. Jason Mathias won The People’s Choice Award at the Educational Game Arcade for Covalence: An Organic Chemistry Puzzle Game at GLS 9.0.
CM&BHC Director Marientina Gotsis is co-chairing the parallel session “Designing Experiences for Facilitating Positive Behavior Change” at HCI International with Marc Fabri and co-presenting a paper with Alasdair G. Thin [2]. Marientina recently was invited to present Interactive Design for Health & Happiness at Karten Design‘s Conversations series.
Two new manuscripts led by Eleanor Tate [3] and Chupei Zhang [4] were published in Translational Behavioral Medicine and Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics as a result of last year’s SOWK 599 doctoral seminar course co-taught with Maryalice Jordan-Marsh. Chupei also presented parts of her paper at the 16th Annual Conference on Vaccine Research.
If we are forgetting anything/anyone, let us know 🙂
[1] Gotsis, M., Lympouridis, V., Turpin, D., Frangoudes, F. Maneekobkunwong, S., & Jordan-Marsh, M. (2013, July). Skyfarer: a mixed reality shoulder exercise game. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Studio Talks (p. 2). ACM.http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2503673.2503675
[2] Thin, A. G., & Gotsis, M. (2013). Game-based interactive media in behavioral medicine: creating serious affective-cognitive-environmental-social integration experiences. In Design, User Experience, and Usability. Health, Learning, Playing, Cultural, and Cross-Cultural User Experience (pp. 470-479). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39241-2_52
[3] Tate, E. B., Spruijt-Metz, D., O’Reilly, G., Jordan-Marsh, M., Gotsis, M., Pentz, M. A., & Dunton, G. (2013). mHealth approaches to child obesity prevention: successes, unique challenges, and next directions. In Translational Behavioral Medicine, 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13142-013-0222-3
[4] Zhang, C., Gotsis, M., & Jordan-Marsh, M. (In Press). Social media microblogs as an HPV vaccination forum. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 9(11). PMID: 23842072